The world‘s international key event for colour management invites you to Munich for the 10th time. At the #CMS2024 you will learn about trend developments and background knowledge for current and future practical solutions. Only users speak on stage.
Matching colour – matching people!
Exchange ideas with the speakers and other participants and be ready for the present and future of colour management.
Participant comments
„Through the great variety of inspiring and innovative topics and lectures and through bringing together scientists and users, synergies arise at the CMS as quickly and efficiently as hardly anywhere else. That‘s why the CMS creates a high added value (for me) every time and on many levels. I have already registered for the next time.”
Desirée Tytko | Participant 2022
Business Unit Campaign direct services Gütersloh GmbH

„Joining the Fogra family was a great opportunity to share experiences, challenges and innovative solutions across whole graphic industries. I really enjoyed the Colour Management Symposium 2022: great presentation from multiple aspects & perspectives, the exhibitions, the social contact, and the networking.”
Yohann Sabarly | Participant 2022

Information and overnight stay
Holiday Inn Munich City Centre
Hochstr. 3
81669 Munich, Germany
Overnight stay
We kindly ask you to book your hotel room yourself by e-mail to reservation@ with the codename "CMS2026" or directly over the website.