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Visit from France

Press releases 06/29/2022

A delegation from the Union Nationale des industries de l'Impression et de la Communication (UNIIC) visited Fogra in Aschheim on June, 28th 2022.

Managing Director Dr Eduard Neufeld welcomed the delegation from the French national printing and communication union on Tuesday with a brief introduction to Fogra's field of activity. The 20 members of UNIIC were impressed by the range of services offered in research, testing, and certification. They found the neutral position Fogra takes between printers and manufacturers particularly convincing. During their three-hour stay, the visitors were able to get to know all Fogra departments from Printing Technology to Materials & Environment. Two highlights for the participants were the 3D print scanner of the Prepress Department and the analysis area of the Security Applications Department. The many discussions showed that the two institutions have laid the foundation for future cooperation here.

UNIIC visits Fogra

20 UNIIC members in front of the Fogra building in Aschheim

Fogra visit of UNIIC

Delegation visiting the printing machine in the Printing Technology department.