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Illustration of a net

The organization of Fogra

Fogra is a not-for-profit association with some 900 members in over 55 countries. It is our members who ensure that our research work is consistently industry focused and, in return, benefit from the results directly and rapidly.

Articles of Association

Fogra’s association structure

The basis of Fogra’s organization are its 900 or so members from all around the world. The members of Fogra’s six technical committees are drawn from its member companies and these form the heart of the institute, where they work in conjunction with Fogra’s four technical departments to choose new topics for research and to contribute practical experience to ongoing projects.

Fogra’s technical departments research, test, certify and transfer their findings to industry. They cover a comprehensive range from premedia to postpress, materials and the environment to security applications.

Fogra is led by its Institute and Managing Director Dr Eduard Neufeld. The members of the Executive Committee, who are chosen by the membership, meet the management three times a year to discuss the key questions facing the institute, from its research programme to finance.    

Fogra institute director Dr Eduard Neufeld

Dr Eduard Neufeld

Institute & Managing Director

+49 89 431 82 - 112

Get in touch

Your contact

Would you like to know more about our association structure with institute director, specialist departments and Executive Committee? Please feel free to contact me!

Key Facts

  • 900 member companies

  • 6 technical committees

  • 4 technical departments

  • 1 Institute & Managing Director

  • 6 Executive Committee members

graphical illustration of the organisation at Fogra

“We aim to be a beacon in an age of technological change."

Dr Eduard Neufeld
Institute & Managing Director

Institute and managing director of Fogra, Dr. Eduard Neufeld

Institute & Managing Director

Dr Eduard Neufeld

Dr Eduard Neufeld studied physics at the universities of Cologne and Cardiff (UK) as well as the Jülich research centre. He than gained his doctorate from the Central Institute for Fundamental Semiconductor Electronics at the Technical University of Munich. After his studies, he led BetaResearch GmbH, a research and development organization for security technologies in the media sector, before moving in 2002 to the Boston Consulting Group as a management and strategy consultant.

Dr Neufeld took over as Director of the Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies in April 2006. Besides his work at Fogra, Dr Neufeld has undertaklen various honorary roles in the field of joint research. Until 2017 he was the Vice President of the AiF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen) and is currently the spokesman for  AiF research associations in southern Germany. In this role he regularly takes part in AiF council meetings.

Fogra's specialist departments

Prepress Technology

Specialists of the Prepress Technology department deal with the preparation of print and media data including correct colour management, the respective workflows and all facets of image quality assessment. Future trends such as digital transformation, artificial intelligence and 3D printing are also covered here.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the department head:

Dr Andreas Kraushaar

Laboratory of the prepress technology department at Fogra

Printing TechNOLOGY

The focus of the Printing Technology department is on both offset printing and digital printing. The research projects and expert opinions are often related to the print quality and the printing materials used. Furthermore, the department carries out certifications according to the ProcessStandard Offset (PSO).

If you need to talk to the department head:

Jürgen Gemeinhardt

laboratoy of the print technology department at Fogra

Materials & Environment

The Materials & Environment department carries out chemical and physical analyses in its laboratory, tests and certifies consumables (papers, inks, coatings) and additives (fountain solutions & cleaning agents). The department also conducts research in the field of radiation-curing systems, corrosion and the interaction of substrates and inks.

Please get in touch with the department head:

Dr Philipp Stolper

Laboratory of the department materials & environment at Fogra

Security Applications

In its testing laboratory, the Security Applications department tests not just how secure documents, banknotes and packaging are against counterfeiting but also the resistance of identification documents such as passports, driving licences and bank cards to external influences. Functional products (e.g. RFID), other security technologies, postpress and finishing and various aspects of packaging are also investigated.

The department head would be happy to hear from you:

Arne Müller

Scanning a banknote for the security applications department
white background with various sprayed colours

Marketing & Communications

We want to pass on our vast and constantly growing body of technical knowledge because knowledge transfer is a must for us. Besides offering a comprehensive array of information, the department plans and implements all marketing and communication projects, whether print or online. It also organizes events and courses, looks after guests, and handles press relations.

The department head would be happy to hear from you:

Elgin Werk

Executive Committee of Fogra

Stefan Aumüller, Chairman

Aumüller Druck GmbH & Co. KG

Markus Appl, Deputy Chairman

appl druck GmbH & Co. KG

Dr Bernhard Buck

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Reinhard Plaschka

Giesecke + Devrient Currency Technology GmbH

Dierk Schröder, Treasurer

Kroha GmbH

Josef Schießl

Süddeutscher Verlag Zeitungsdruck GmbH

“A strong Fogra is important for the ongoing development of the industry and to provide it with expert guidance.“

Stefan Aumüller
Chairman of the Executive Committee

portrait of the Fogra executive committee Aumueller

Chairman of the Executive Committee

Stefan Aumüller

Stefan Aumüller initially trained as an offset printer in his father’s company in Regensburg. Subsequently he studied business management and graduated with diploma in commerce. After his studies, Stefan Aumüller returned to his father’s company in 1987 and, since 1995, he has run it together with his brother, Christian Aumüller.

Aumüller Druck GmbH & Co. KG in Regensburg specialises in high-quality sheet-fed offset printing in medium and long runs for small, medium-sized and globally active companies. In keeping with its claim the company is committed to progress and often a pioneer in the printing industry with regards to the use of the latest technologies.

Stefan Aumüller was voted in as Chairman of the Executive Committee at the Fogra Annual General Meeting on 10th April 2003. His father, Georg Aumüller, declared the company to join Fogra in 1957.