Standard or individual? We can provide both
You want to know if your product meets qualitative standards? You have doubts about the quality of raw materials? You consider a customer complaint to be unjustified? We support you quickly and flexibly in all matters concerning print finishing, postpress and packaging. As an independent institute you can rely on our neutral judgement.
Our testings in Packaging & Print finishing

Laboratory measurements
We offer a variety of material tests and quality analyses. We are not only familiar with the relevant standards, we have also actively participated in many of them. Therefore, we can reliably advise you in order to determine the appropriate test and the right test scope. We always have the benefit for the customer in mind and of course help to interpret test results. Simply consider us as your “extended workbench”.

Technical expert opinions
The preparation of technical reports on concrete practical problems is of high priority. As an independent and impartial institute, Fogra examines and evaluates for you facts on which the parties involved disagree. If an out-of-court settlement is not possible, Fogra's expert reports have a high level of acceptance in court.
Fogra is internationally present and active in the standardisation committees. It is our concern that only that which is of practical relevance is standardised.
In addition, you as our members or customers benefit not only from the expertise of the Fogra team and the extensive laboratory equipment but also from our flexibility and reliability.
As an innovative team, we service enquiries from all over the world and are not afraid to break new ground, in other words: to think outside the box! The continuous effort to improve processes and quality at every step of the workflow is part of our philosophy.
Understand us as a universal and trustworthy service provider. No matter what you need, we will find a solution for you!

Your contact
Do you need our help for an objective measurement, or would you like to get a sound and trustworthy advice on quality issues in workflow and printing, or do you need an expert witness to assist you in the resolution of a dispute? Please contact me, without obligation, if you wish to receive more information on this.
Fogra - your trusted partner for testing
We see ourselves as a modern service provider that carries out inspections tailored to the industry’s needs, that advises companies on questions of quality and that mediates in technical disputes. The field of application ranges from customer specific requests to standardised laboratory measurements.
We provide watertight arguments, a competent assessment of all risks and opportunities based on our considerable experience and intensive research, precise measurements, and independent expert opinions for your business decisions.
Even when you are faced with the challenges that new materials and technologies present to you or when you are in need of detailed examinations we are able to help you with our technical expertise and state-of-the-art analytical technology.
Fogra will also be able to assist you as an independent expert if there are doubts about the technical or human causes of a complaint. We have gained an international reputation as the first point of contact for disputes by several thousands of expert opinions.