DtO Visual (background for flyer)

Digital printing meets Offset

Learn more about the current status from variable data printing to AI

May 21-22, 2025

Please note that this event will be held in German.

German event site

Book your ticket

If you have any questions, please contact

Jürgen Gemeinhardt

Head of Printing Techniques

+49 89 431 82 - 256

audience at the DtO symposium

This is how you print today – inspiration from printing practice

"This is how you print today!" - that's the motto of the event to find out more about the latest trends and topics in the digital printing industry. For the 8th time, you can expand your knowledge with background information for current and future practical solutions.

Follow inspiring field reports and exchange ideas with the speakers and other participants.

Who should attend?

Anyone interested in the latest first-hand information about digital printing? Are you working in a print shop that already prints digitally, or is thinking about getting started? If so, the symposium is just right for you. Print buyers, consultants and manufacturers will also find their relevant topics.

What to expect?

An all-around event on hot topics in digital printing - often linked to offset printing. The speakers will share their practical experience and report on their day-to-day work. During the breaks, you will have the opportunity to network and exchange experiences.

All topics

  • Variable Data Printing
  • Artificial Intelligence and Automation
  • Sustainable Printing
  • Implementation of Spot Colours
  • Digital Printing meets Offset
  • Inks, Primers and Papers
  • Print Finishing

Topics and speakers

Variable Data Printing

Learn more about the benefits of individualisation and personalisation using impressive practical examples.

Added Value VDP – buzzword or real opportunity?

Steffen Walter

THIMM Verpackung 

The key to personalised brand experiences using the Toffifee brand as an example

Tom Streefkerk

colordruck Baiersbronn W. Mack GmbH & Co. KG

Creative concepts for successful mailings using nanography instead of offset printing

Vinzenz Schmidt

Wirtz Druck GmbH & Co. KG

Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Find out what opportunities artificial intelligence can offer your company.

Human? Artificial? As long as it is intelligent! Big data, machine learning & co. in every­day printing

Christian Haneke

Sattler Media Group

Twenty-fold increase in order volume with AI

Stefan Mail

Mail Druck + Medien GmbH

Sustainable Printing

There is no way around sustainable print products today. What needs to be considered?

Calculating the carbon footprint of offset and digital printing

Dr. Michael Has

Monopteros GmbH/INP Grenoble - Institute for Biomaterials

Inkjet, Landa, Indigo - digital printing may or may not be deinkable

Axel Fischer


Sustainability has many facets – can digital print deliver?

Mario Drechsler

Highendmedia GmbH

Implementation of Spot Colours

How can spot colours be implemented in digital printing and what challenges are involved?

Digital reproduction of spot colours – a challenge in hybrid packaging printing

Katharina Roeber

DFTA Competence Center Digitaldruck 

This is how we print spot colours without spot colours: Deceptively real!

Henning Rose

Wegner GmbH

Digital Printing meets Offset

Digital printing is the ideal complement to offset printing. What are the benefits and challenges?

Digital and offset case study: How to invest in the face of declining markets?

Marcus Kalle

Printec Solutions GmbH 

Print Finishing

The challenges of finishing digital prints are often underestimated. How can they be solved?

Short runs, big problems? Bookbinding challenges in the digital age

Sebastian Birzele

Druckerei C.H.Beck

Why attend the "Digital Print meets Offset" conference

audience at the DtO symposium

Latest findings and hot topics

Learn about variable data printing, artificial intelligence and sustainability in 19 presentations – straight from the field.

Multiple people talking with each other.

Exchange ideas with around 100 participants from the industry

Use the conference to make new contacts and maintain old ones. Talk to the experts and expand your network.

Holzbänke und Holztische gedeckt mit Geschirr und Servietten

Socialising in a Bavarian atmosphere

Treat yourself to a cosy evening in a rustic setting with good food for an informal and convivial get-together.


Logo Fujifilm
Logo gmg color
Logo Hunkeler

More information

Booking fee

tax exemption in acc. with §4 no. 22a UStG

2-day ticket:

  • for Fogra members: 785,40€ Early Bird Discount until 28. February (924€ regular price)

  • for non-members: 1,122.00€ Early Bird Discount until 28. February (1,320€ regular price)

Includes food & beverage and entry ticket to social event.

Company booking discount:

Each colleague receives a discount of 10 %. Valid for same company location and simultaneous booking.

Refund before start of the event: up to 14 days: 100 % refund; 60 € admin costs | up to 7 days: 50 % refund | less than 7 days: no refund. A substitute can attend at no cost.

Fogra employee Monika Beckmann

Monika Beckmann


+49 89 431 82 - 112

Get in touch

Contact person

Book directly or with me. I will be pleased to help you with any questions.


Hotel NH Munich East

Venue & Hotel


NH München Ost Conference Center
Einsteinring 20
85609 Aschheim near Munich


Please make your own room reservation: 

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