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Press releases 07/06/2022

Up-to-date information on all presentations at the Colour Management Symposium 2022 in Munich.

+++ Future of colour management+++

Dr. Jan Morovic, HP Inc.
Colour management – quo vadis? Audience interview

Dr. Jan Morovic from HP Inc. talked about the future in colour management and quizzed the CMS-attendees with questions such as

  • What proportion of your print jobs are printed with multiple machines and collated for a single customer? Less than 10 % (with 29 % the main answer of the attendees)
  • What is the most frequent color content that you receive from your customers? CMYK images with tags (with 25% the main answer of the attendees).


CMS exhibitors talked about their respective companies to give an overview of their offers.


+++Textile: colour communication+++

Georg Lutz, Junkers & Muellers
Setting Jungle – we just want to keep on printing

Developing a media setting exchange format to deal with hundreds of different settings by fixing parameters that can’t be changed and varying those who can is Georg Lutz from Junkers & Muellers approach on colour management.


Claas Bickeböller, Konica Minolta
Modern substrates need modern gamut mapping or BPC = Bad Perceptual Cheat

Claas Bickeböller from Konica Minolta talks abaout Gamut Mapping fundamentals and assumptions as well as human visual system and explains the limits of BPC and M2.


Joe Tschudi, Tschudi Software
Getting prepared: overview and requirements towards reasonable digital textile proofing/sampling

Joe Tschudi talks about design applications, color references and the role of viewing envirnment, monitors and paper media in the digital textile production.

More about RGB in textile.


+++Packaging and textile: colour proofing+++

Michael Guggemos, Nägele Digital Repro
Proofing unlimited – next level appearance matching on original substrates

Michael Guggemos from Nägele Digital Repro talks about the challenges of mock-up proofing and his solution by setting up an own standard.


Yohann Sabarly, SGS & Co
Optimizing colour anticipation in a multicolour market

How proofing enhancement helps with a better consistency for brand colours with profile calculation and prepress anticipation is the topic of Yohann Sabarly from SGS & Co.


Jan-Peter Homann, homann colormanagement
ECG proofing – Mastering colour accuracy without a colour server

Jan-Peter Homann from homann colormanagement explains how the FOGRA39_ECG profile helps designers as Adobe CC has no ECG or multicolor support.

More about the certifications and the first cpc certifcation.


Dimitris Mylonas Northeastern University UK
From cones to words – colour naming in context

The Keynote speaker Dimitris Mylonas explained at the Bavarian evening the connection between colour naming and colour perception as well a cultural, age and gender concerning differences in colour naming.


+++HSI: commercial, industrial and packaging+++

Royce Dodds, EGGER Holzwerkstoffe
Towards a new digital decoration printing era – how inline colour-loops help matching the reference in no time

Royce Dodds from EGGER Holzwerkstoffe talks about the importance of finding a mutual corporate language of colour tones and support mechanisms that help to find differences in the material.


Michael Sukumaran, MKT
Quality control in a non D50 world – for conventional and digital decoration printing

Michael Sukumaran from MKT focuses on quality parameters of decoration printing including the criteria for visual evaluation of decoration printing, f. i. standardized light settings, no stray light, and neutral uniform colouration of the interior in the light booth.


Christian Sager, Druckerei Kyburz
100% Inline, 100% Digital: mastering the process for full-colour variable-data inline finishing

Christian Sager from Kyburz talks about the challenges in changing from full-colour to digital: finding the best digital web press and a suitable pre-processing as well as suitable post-processing.

+++Multicolor packaging implementations+++

Andreas Kraushaar, Fogra
Recommendations for modern ECG printing

Andreas Kraushaar from Fogra talks about the lessons learned from the Multicolor Forum 2022 like a lack of standards and the importance of dedicated tools within a PDF ecosystem.


Andreas Praß, All4Labels Group
Digitisation of flexographic printing – the way to process-agnostic multicolour label production

How to install a workflow for easier shifting of jobs between flexographic printing and digital systems for multicolour label production explains Andreas Praß from All4Labels Group. This process includes a multitude of topics from standardization to evaluation, print forms, and analysis. One major issue is to get consistency.

Read more about print check.

Gerhard Bley, IMAGIC | Eugen Stamm, Stoba Druck
Matching AdobeRGB with ECG? Exceeding photographer expectations for high quality calendar production

RGB by expanding the colour space according to the customer's wishes? Gerhard Bley from IMAGIC and Eugen Stamm from Stoba Druck explain the solution approach: from creating your own profiling, suggestions about colours, colour locations and sequence to press proofs to check colour management.

Read more about multicolour printing.


+++Modern colour workflows+++

Oliver Schmitter, Christinger
When every RIP claims the best colour management – the bumpy road to aligned colour processing

Oliver Schmitter tells us why a process standard is needed for the workflow. Benefits are f. i. more efficiency, fewer errors and easier communication with the customers.

Find more information about this topic on certification on ProcessStandard Digital.


Florian Gröschl, Gugler
FOGRA52 or FAKE52: a complete change and the challenges with incorrectly tagged data

The necessary steps for a successful transition to FOGRA52 are according to Florian Gröschl from Gugler f. i. colour settings and conversions, colouring sequences and proof simulations.

More on the concept for the colour management.


Volker Dollinger, Aumüller Druck
Using Spot Colour Tone Value (SCTV) for FOGRA51 stochastic printing

Some of the difficulties with using Spot Color Tone Value (SVTX) are colour shifts, strong wet-dry drifts or missing standardized colour control. Solutions to this problem are linearization oft the TVI curve or regulating the print run with print control stripes.


+++Managing customer expectations+++

Stefan Meissner, Vistaprint
Towards universal interfaces for productivity and print quality

„The limits of my data model means the limits of my automation.“ freely after Ludwig Wittgenstein

This quote summarises the advantages of XJDF. This concept of an intelligent job ticket helps with monitoring, automation and integration of suppliers and customers.


Daniel Almstedt, Mods Graphic Studio
Meeting customer expectations in a world of increasing print data illiteracy

How to prepare data of unknown quality for printing providers? Daniel Almstedts from Mods Graphic Studio, a strong contributor to our AI project, solution is to educate customers to provide the print data needed.


Jörg Krista, Alfred Kärcher
One brand, one colour – theory meets realitys

Jörg Krista from Alfred Kärcher explains the issue of colour deviations concerning different materials, especially for brand colours. The solution: a specific ICC profile „OffsetCoated_Kaercher-V2.icc“ as a quality standard and colour wedges directly in the packaging design for assessment.

Dr. Jan Morovic, HP Inc.

Introduction of the exhibitors

Introduction of the exhibitors

Georg Lutz, Junkers & Muellers

Georg Lutz, Junkers & Muellers

Claas Bickeboeller, Konica Minolta, speaker at the CMS2022

Claas Bickeboeller, Konica Minolta, speaker at the CMS2022

Joe Tschudi, Tschudi Software, speaker at the CMS2022

Joe Tschudi, Tschudi Software, speaker at the CMS2022

Yohann Sabarly, SGS & Co, speaker at the CMS2022

Yohann Sabarly, SGS & Co, speaker at the CMS2022

[Translate to EN:]

Jan-Peter Homann, homann colormanagement

Bavarian evening at the CMS2022, speaker Dimitris Mylonas, Northeastern University UK

Bavarian evening at the CMS2022, speaker Dimitris Mylonas, Northeastern University UK

Royce Dodds, company EGGER Holzwerkstoffe , speaker at the CMS2022

Royce Dodds, company EGGER Holzwerkstoffe , speaker at the CMS2022

Michael Sukumaran, MKT, speaker at the CMS2022

Michael Sukumaran, MKT, speaker at the CMS2022

Christian Sager, printer Kyburz,speaker at the CMS2022

Christian Sager, printer Kyburz,speaker at the CMS2022

Andreas Kraushaar, Fogra

Andreas Praß, All4Labels Group

Gerhard Bley, IMAGIC | Eugen Stamm, Stoba Druck

Volker Dollinger, Aumüller Druck

Florian Gröschl, Gugler

Oliver Schmitter, Christinger

Stefan Meissner, Vistaprint

Daniel Almstedt from Mods Graphic Studio